Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages is a static and free site generator has become incredibly popular for developers and content creators who want a seamless and efficient way to build websites.Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages offers a free hosting service with robust version control. One of the best ways to enhance your Jekyll site is by installing a Jekyll theme. This guide will walk you through the process of installing a Jekyll theme particularly when using Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages and provide some tips to make your website stand out. See more informative blog

What is Jekyll Themes?

Jekyll themes is a static site generator designed for building blogs project sites and other static websites. It takes your content, written in Markdown or Textile, and converts it into a complete static website. Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process layouts and includes, making it a powerful tool for developers who prefer working with code over a traditional CMS (Content Management System). See Jekyll Resource

Why Choose Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages?

Using a Jekyll theme can significantly simplify the process of setting up your site. Themes come with pre-designed layouts, styles, and functionalities, allowing you to focus on your content rather than the design. Here are some reasons to use Jekyll themes:

User-Friendly Setup: With Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages, setting up a website is straightforward. Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages provide an intuitive interface that integrates effortlessly with Jekyll, allowing even beginners to get started quickly.

Customizability: Jekyll themes are highly customizable, offering a variety of design options to suit different needs. Whether you want a blog, a portfolio, or a business site, you can find a theme that matches your vision.

Performance Optimization: Websites created with Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages are inherently fast and secure. Static sites load faster than dynamic ones, enhancing user experience and reducing bounce rates.

SEO Advantages: Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages are built with SEO best practices in mind. Clean, semantic code and fast load times contribute to better search engine rankings, helping your site reach a wider audience.

Installation Precondition:

Make sure you have the following before you begin:

Git: Git is essential for version control and deploying your site to GitHub Pages.

Ruby and RubyGems: Jekyll is built with Ruby, so you need Ruby installed on your machine.

Jekyll: You need to have Jekyll installed. You can install it using RubyGems with the command: gem install jekyll bundler.

GitHub Account: You must create a GitHub account if you don’t already have one.

Installing a Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages

Discover a variety of customizable and responsive Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages to easily enhance your static site or blog. Enjoy seamless integration and free hosting with GitHub Pages.

1) Create a New Jekyll Site

First, you need to create a new Jekyll site. Open your terminal and run the following command:

jekyll new my-awesome-site
cd my-awesome-site

This command will create a new directory called my-awesome-site with the default Jekyll files and folders.

2) Choose a Jekyll Theme

There are numerous Jekyll themes available. You can find them on various websites like Jekyll Themes or directly on GitHub. For this guide, we’ll use a popular theme called “Minimal Mistakes”.

3) Add the Theme to Your Gemfile

Navigate to your Jekyll site directory and open the Gemfile using a text editor. To incorporate the concept of “Minimal Mistakes,” add the following line:

gem "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"

4) Configure the Theme

Next, you need to configure your site to use the new theme. Open _config.yml and update the theme line:

theme: minimal-mistakes-jekyll

5) Install the Theme

Run the following command in your terminal to install the theme and its dependencies:

bundle install

6) Customize Your Site

The Minimal Mistakes theme, like many others, comes with various customization options. You can configure these options in the _config.yml file. For example, you can set the title, description, social media links, and more. Here’s a basic example:

title: My Awesome Site
description: >- # this means to ignore new lines until "baseurl:"
  Welcome to my awesome site built with Jekyll and Minimal Mistakes theme.
baseurl: "" # the sub-path of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site

  name: Your Name
  # Add more author information here

Deploy to GitHub Pages

Now that your site is set up and customized, it’s time to deploy it toJekyll Themes on GitHub Pages.

1) Initialize a Git Repository

If you haven’t already, initialize a git repository in your site directory and commit your changes:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

2) Create a GitHub Repository

Go to GitHub and create a new repository named where yourusername is your GitHub username. This is crucial as GitHub Pages will use this repository to host your site.

3) Push Your Site to GitHub

Add your GitHub repository as a remote and push your local repository to GitHub:

git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

GitHub will automatically build and deploy your Jekyll site. Your site should now be live at

Tips for Customizing Jekyll Themes

If you’re looking to create a stunning website with ease, Jekyll themes on GitHub Pages offer a perfect solution. These themes not only simplify the website building process but also ensure your site looks professional and performs well. In this guide, we’ll explore the best Jekyll themes for GitHub Pages and how they can elevate your online presence.

1) Modify Layouts

Jekyll themes use the _layouts folder to define the structure of your pages. You can customize these layouts to change the overall look of your site. For instance, you can modify default.html to alter the main layout.

2) Customize Includes

The _includes folder contains partial templates that can be reused across your site. You can customize these files to change components like headers, footers, and navigation bars.

3) Adjust Styles

Themes typically include a assets/css folder with style sheets. You can edit these CSS files to customize the appearance of your site. Alternatively, you can add your own custom styles in a new CSS file and include it in your _config.yml.

4) Use Plugins

Jekyll supports various plugins that can extend the functionality of your site. For example, you can use plugins for SEO, sitemaps, or image optimization. Add plugins to your Gemfile and _config.yml to use them.

# Gemfile
gem "jekyll-seo-tag"
# _config.yml
  - jekyll-seo-tag

5. Update Content

Your site’s content lives in the _posts folder for blog posts and other folders like _pages for static pages. Use Markdown or HTML to create and format your content.

6. Add Widgets and Scripts

You can enhance your site by adding widgets and scripts. For example, you can add a Google Analytics tracking code to _includes/head.html to monitor your site’s traffic.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Discover the seamless integration and immense customization possibilities offered by Jekyll Themes on GitHub Pages. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a beginner, Jekyll themes provide the perfect solution for creating a stunning, professional website with ease.

1) Theme Not Applied

If your theme changes are not reflected, ensure that:

  • The theme is correctly specified in _config.yml.
  • You have run bundle install to install the theme.
  • Your local server is running (bundle exec jekyll serve) to preview changes.

2) GitHub Pages Build Errors

If GitHub Pages fails to build your site, check the build logs in the repository settings under the GitHub Pages section. Common issues include:

  • Missing dependencies: Ensure all required gems are specified in the Gemfile.
  • Invalid configuration: Check _config.yml for syntax errors.

3) Custom Domain Issues

If you’re using a custom domain, ensure your DNS settings are correct and that the custom domain is specified in _config.yml:

url: ""

Also, add a CNAME file in the root directory with your custom domain.


Installing and customizing a Jekyll theme on GitHub Pages is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your website’s appearance and functionality. By following this guide, you should be able to set up your Jekyll site with a professional theme, customize it to your liking, and deploy it effortlessly to GitHub Pages. Whether you’re building a personal blog, a project portfolio, or a business site, Jekyll and GitHub Pages provide a powerful combination that is both flexible and free. Happy coding.

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