HTML (hypertext-markup-language) is the base for web-based development about HTML Roadmap for Beginners . This is a markup-based language that is used to build the layout and content of web pages. If a beginner wants to start her web development, understanding HTML Roadmap for Beginners is an important first step. This HTML Roadmap for Beginners covers the basic concepts, elements, and best practices you need to know to get started. See more blog

Why learn HTML? 

Before we get into the HTML Roadmap for Beginners, let’s understand why learning HTML is important. 

Basic building blocks: HTML is the foundation of web development. Provides structure and semantics for web content. 

Universal functionality: HTML is widely supported by all web browsers, making it an important feature for web related developers. 

Introduction to web development: Learning HTML is an introduction to more advanced web technologies such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript. 

In-demand skills: Web development related skills are in high demand, and HTML is one of the most in-demand skills in the industry. 

HTML Roadmap for Beginners:

1.First of All 

a) What is about think HTML? 

HTML stands for hypertext-markup-language. Used to structure web content and define titles, paragraphs, links, etc. 

b) Basic rules of structure for HTML document 

Understand how to add a basic structure of an HTML document, including the <!DOCTYPE>, <html>, <head>, and <body> elements. 

c) Text editor 

You are choosing a text editor to write your HTML code. The most popular editor for editing Html code is Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text as well as Atom. 

d) Create your first HTML page 

Try it out by creating a simple HTML file and viewing it in your web browser. 

2. HTML for Elements and Tags List 

a) HTML coding for elements and tags 

Learn the most extended knowledgebase difference between HTML throughout elements and HTML tags. Elements define structure and tags identify content. 

b) Title and paragraph 

Learn how to create headings (<h1>-<h6>) and paragraphs (<p>) to organize your text content. 

c) Anchor 

Use the <a> tag to create hyperlinks to other websites or resources. 

d) List 

Organize your content by creating unordered lists by <ul>, ordered lists <ol>, and defined lists (<dl>). 

e) Photograph 

Insert images using the <img> tag and learn about image properties such as src, alt, and width. 

f) Semantic HTML 

Understand the importance of adding meaning to the structure of your pages using semantic HTML elements such as <header>, <nav>, <main>, <section>, <article>, and <footer>. 

3. Forms and Submissions 

a) Go to application form 

Learn how to create forms using the <form> element and understand its role in user input and data submission. 

b) input element 

Examine different input elements such as text fields (<input type=”text”>), radio buttons (<input type=”radio”>), and checkboxes (<input type=”checkbox”>). 

c) Labels and form controls 

Use the <label> element </label> to associate and relative by label with form controls to improve accessibility. 

d) Text areas and selection fields 

Using for <textarea> to create a multi comment or contact for text input field and <select> to create a drop-down menu. 

4. HTML Attributes 

a) Learn more about real estate 

Learn about HTML attributes and how they provide additional information or change the behavior of an element. 

b) Global properties 

Find global attributes that work with most HTML elements, such as: Examples: Category, ID, Style, Title. 

c) Form properties 

Learn about form-specific properties such as actions, methods, and names. 

d) Input attributes 

Learn about input-specific properties such as types, values, and placeholders. 

5.HTML Validation 

a) W3C markup validation 

Check your HTML markup for errors or bugs and ensure compliance with web standards using the W3C Validation Service for Markup. 

6. HTML Best Practices 

a) Indentation and formatting 

Use clean and consistent coding practices, including proper indentation and formatting. 

b) Comment 

Add comments and explanations to your code using HTML comments (<!– –>). 

c) Accessibility 

Learn more about the importance of web accessibility and how to make your HTML content more inclusive. 

7. Advanced HTML Concepts (Optional) 

a) HTML entities 

Understand HTML entities to correctly display special characters and symbols in your web content. 

b) Media elements 

Locate the audio (<audio>) and video (<video>) elements to embed multimedia content. 

c) Iframe 

Learn how to embed external web content using the <iframe> element. 


Studying HTML Roadmap for Beginners is the first step or rule in web development. This HTML Roadmap for Beginners provides a structured path to mastering the basics of HTML. Once you’re comfortable with HTML, you can move on to other web related technology like CSS and JavaScript to further update your website related development skills. The keys to becoming a competent web developer are practice, patience, and continuous learning. Good luck on your HTML learning journey for HTML Roadmap for Beginners!